SEO Blog

11 Off-site Ideas for Building Your Authority Site

You use an ecommerce store builder and performed all the ecommerce SEO you can on your site. Now, you need to work on building links on your own. Use the following eleven off-site ideas to make your website an authority in your industry. 1. Blogger, ...

Top Dirty Linking Tricks

Search engines use links to determine authority and relevance to particular keywords and phrases. For both ecommerce SEO and local SEO, reciprocal links or link trading remains one of the most often used methods of acquiring links. Unfortunately, it can also...

Comparison of SEO and PPC

Many clients come to us with the false impression that SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay per click) are relatively the same thing. This is where the internet community and the small business owner’s share their biggest mis-understanding. Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization focuses upon organic (free) search engine results. These are...

Small Business Owners Guide to “Self SEO”

There are many aspects of Search Engine Optimization (AKA “SEO”) that must be addressed in order to successfully place your website at the top of the big 3 search engines. This article will not address all of them. There are many free tools available for you, both online and for you to download, that will help you with managing your website and with your ...

How to know if your SEO provider is providing good SEO

Every website owner out there has heard of SEO. Maybe you didn’t know the technical term, maybe it was just “that Google thing” but you knew it was good to be at the top of the search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical to every ...